Square foot gardening sure is a great way to save space in a small garden. But there are many other ways that you can use to get even bigger yields from your back yard. Vertical gardening, double cropping, and container gardening are some of them. Apart from literally saving space, you can also use tricks to extend your yield. In other words, you can help your small garden produce like a big one! Let’s have a look at a few simple tips and tricks to maximise your garden space and produce more.
Vertical gardening
Many plants love to climb! Tomatoes, legumes, cucumbers, and grapes are just a few examples. You can use a few pieces of wood and build trellises that will allow these plants to grow vertically, taking much less space in your garden.
Double cropping
Some crops give produce earlier in the year than others. This means that in the same patch you can plant broccoli and then, after you harvest it, you can plant parsley or any other fast-growing plant. This method is also called succession cropping. You can find double cropping being used as a term to describe planting two different crops – for example with different heights – in the same patch. This of course is also a way to save space. Think of lettuces for example. You can plant them in rows and still plant herbs in between. This way you do not only save space; you also do not provide any space for weeds to grow!
Container Gardening
If your garden is on a steep sloppy, is rocky or the ground is just not of a good quality, you can still use the space by practicing container gardening. You can fill your garden with containers of different sizes; fill the containers with soil and compost ideal for each plant and then enjoy your harvest! If you choose to do container gardening, you can get a product called Plantpal, which goes into the pot. You just fill it with water and do not have to water your plants for up to two weeks.
Design Pathways Carefully
Pathways are of course necessary in order to take care of your garden without stepping on growing plants. But you can make a careful plan and design as little pathways as possible. Your garden pathways do not even have to be a full 90 cm corridor size. Make them as narrow as possible, but make sure you still feel comfortable using them. A way to achieve that is by drawing down with chalk the design of your garden, before you actually start planting it and adding planting boxes or containers.
Plant Just Enough of Each Crop
Sometimes new gardeners get over-enthusiastic about a crop that grows easily and end up filling their garden with it. Be it mint or tomatoes, if you plant too much you will end up throwing a lot of the produce away. It is better to plant a variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs. This is a much more efficient way to use your garden space and minimise the amount of produce that you need to buy.
Cover Your Crops
You can use tunnels to cover your crops, extending the growing season. Tunnels will protect your crops from frost, sun burns and pests. Your garden space is not increased, but your yield is. So this is also a very efficient way of using space.
Happy planting!